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Mistakes to avoid in your interview job

January 12, 2021
This article will be subject to an update that we will list the most famous mistakes that are in common with almost every candidate but lets us  cite a few of them: 
We do not control those things, which, in your eyes, do not mean anything, but there are rather critical 
aspects facing the interviewer: 
– You should start the interview by giving several applicants and the interviewer details about
the organization, the jobs, or reporting on the stages of the selection process: don’t presume you’re watching. 
– You should look at every person in the jury with a light and professional smile, do not ever play with your fingers.
– Do not scratch on your face several times that could a strong signal of a stressed person just be like you are and take it easy you are not fighting an enemy, they are just human being in front of you 🙂
– Be honest and straight, if you don’t know the answer to a question just tell them you misremember its answer or you don’t know it.
– Do not give an answer invoking a subject that you do not know about, otherwise, you are looking to put yourself in your personal trap!
– At last, Do not forget to not play with your legs 😉
Follow our tips to be ready for your interview.

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